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Reach Out to Your INTJ Friends… We’re Not Always Okay

We’re rare… less than 2% of the population, females make up less than 1%. We’re a jack-of-all-trades. We’re viewed as having it all together – smart, driven, confident. We are constantly finalizing plans for world domination.

We’re walking contradictions. We’re self-confident, but highly insecure. Creative, but overly analytical and strategic. Open-minded, but judgmental. We’re positive dreamers, but pessimists. We don’t like rules, but we follow them (albeit while questioning every single one of them). We lonely, but want to be alone.

We’re perfectionists, we like morals. We question rules and processes – please don’t anger us with “it’s always been done this way” explanations. We’re not fond of emotions, we prefer logic. We’re stubborn. We’re awkward.

We hate small-talk. We like our alone time and distances. We don’t let just anyone into our circle of trust. We’re not the people you go to for comfort. We’re the people you go to for answers. You won’t like our logical answers, you’d rather us give you an emotional one.

Once you’re in our circle of trust, you’ll know because we’re more relaxed. You’ll witness our dark sense of humor and sarcasm. You will appreciate we’re good listeners – we’re processing what you say logically to find a solution.

As lone wolves, we tend to suffer in silence instead of reaching out for someone to listen to us. We don’t like to admit when we don’t know how to process emotions or don’t have the answers. That’s failure on our part… as perfectionists, we’re not willing to draw attention to our shortcomings. We would rather figure it out ourselves.

Here’s the thing… to know us is to love us. From time to time, just reach out to ask how’ we’re doing… how we’re REALLY doing. Reach out to your INTJ friends… we’re not always okay.

For more information on the awesome INTJ people of the world, please visit:

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